Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm not trying to gossip but...

This weekend I had the opportunity to share something with two friends that has been bothering me. I shared how puzzled and perplexed I have been by the fact that I have received ZERO submissions for stories regarding acts of kindness or generosity. The thing that bothers me the most is that we seem so eager to share the negative and gossipy things in world but less inclined to share a story of kindness and goodness.

One of those sweet friends shared that perhaps we have become desensitized to the smallest acts of kindness and that perhaps we take them for granted. With her comment in mind, I decided to make a mental note of a few kind things that happened to me today.

Pardon the bulleted list approach but here goes:
• My daughter said, “Have a blessed day, Love” as I dropped her off at school.
• The cashier at Starbucks said, “Good morning!” and he meant it.
• A woman at Starbucks remarked about the beautiful day and as I agreed she mentioned that I too was beautiful.
• A gentleman standing outside of Starbucks opened the door for me.
• My husband opened the passenger side of the car for me so I could get in.
• My daughter made me chocolate chip cookies.
• My son offered to take the bus to pick me because he knew I needed a ride and he’s only eleven.
• A friend agreed to take me on an errand even if it meant she would be waking up at the crack of dawn tomorrow.
• A friend at work asked about my weekend hike and she genuinely listened.
• A stranger remembered a talk I gave and invited me to speak at their High School graduation.

These are just the first ten things I could think of right quick. I know many more kind things happened along with some other yucky, not-so-fun things but I refuse to focus on those things. I don’t want to go to bed with yuck dominating my thoughts and energy. Can you share just a few small, kind things that happened to you recently? I hope so.

Sleep with the angels,Friends.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In January I challenged myself to periodically write new posts that are centered on generosity, kindness or compassion. I was hoping to keep my eyes open to seeing how these three themes honestly inform and better my life. For now, I am thinking that I need to be even more generous with my words. My Words for Friends! Today if you would like me to have words for you or if you have witnessed an act of kindness or compassion, please share your story on my blog. Send your story to olive13paloma@yahoo.com and I'll be just tickled to post it

Let me know in advance if you need me to change your name!
In the words of my sweet Tim McGraw, LIVE like you're dying

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Because words count...

On March 1st, an anonymous comment was posted to my blog and that particular comment has become priceless to me. The comment was actually from my father in law and he mentioned how proud he was of his son—my husband. He also mentioned that even though he wasn’t good with words, he loved his son.

My father in law has since passed away .

No, we are not too busy to make time for those we love, but we have to be more purposeful about it. Make your words count, friends! Say what you mean and mean what you say. Grant forgiveness but more importantly, seek forgiveness. Respond with kindness even if it isn’t deserved. Show love to others my knowing what they love and providing them with it—even if its brownies!

I loved my father in law and he was always very good to me. He will be missed.

Reach out to those who believe you have forgotten them, you won’t regret it! Have a very blessed day---and LIVE!