Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dulcified: Sweetened by the Education of Life

This beautiful book offers an autobiographical account of extreme resiliency, as Dr. Lisa Ramírez recounts her early childhood experiences facing brutal instances of neglect and abuse at the hands of those that should have offered love, comfort and protection. Further, she shares her own failed attempts at pursuing a basic education, while lacking the bare necessities of a home, food, and positive relationships—all supposed requisites for survival and thriving in an educational setting.

As you read her narrative, you will come to understand why hers is indeed a beautiful story. You will gain a deeper understanding of resiliency, and the major difference that educators (and all of us as human beings, for that matter) can make in the lives of children, even through seemingly insignificant actions. You will learn that Dr. Ramírez does not disclose her life’s story simply to titillate the reader, attract attention or expose perpetrators. Rather, her motivation is one of compassion, as she attempts to illustrate for others (young and old) who might be suffering and mired in dismal situations, how life can be dulcified through God’s mercy, the compassion of others, and a competent education. She compels innocent victims in similar circumstances to look for that ray of light under the door that will offer hope and sufficient strength to stand up and move forward, instead of being overwhelmed by pain and hopelessness.

Rachel Crawford, Ph.D.

Educational Research and Policy Analysis

1 comment:

  1. Just ordered my book, shared this link, and sent invitation to friends to come with me to the book launch. I wish you much fulfillment from your courage and zeal in sharing your story. I relate, and I'm so comforted/inspired by your entire journey! Sue S.
