Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dulcified: Sweetened by the Education of Life

This beautiful book offers an autobiographical account of extreme resiliency, as Dr. Lisa Ramírez recounts her early childhood experiences facing brutal instances of neglect and abuse at the hands of those that should have offered love, comfort and protection. Further, she shares her own failed attempts at pursuing a basic education, while lacking the bare necessities of a home, food, and positive relationships—all supposed requisites for survival and thriving in an educational setting.

As you read her narrative, you will come to understand why hers is indeed a beautiful story. You will gain a deeper understanding of resiliency, and the major difference that educators (and all of us as human beings, for that matter) can make in the lives of children, even through seemingly insignificant actions. You will learn that Dr. Ramírez does not disclose her life’s story simply to titillate the reader, attract attention or expose perpetrators. Rather, her motivation is one of compassion, as she attempts to illustrate for others (young and old) who might be suffering and mired in dismal situations, how life can be dulcified through God’s mercy, the compassion of others, and a competent education. She compels innocent victims in similar circumstances to look for that ray of light under the door that will offer hope and sufficient strength to stand up and move forward, instead of being overwhelmed by pain and hopelessness.

Rachel Crawford, Ph.D.

Educational Research and Policy Analysis

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I give you the gift of...recess!

When I was a classroom teacher, I started a tradition of giving people "virtual gifts" on special occasions. The students were then able to give their classmates gifts without limitations. I have continued that tradition at the workplace and the gift you see below is a "virtual gift" given by a young lady ,named Kesha, to a co-worker, named David, upon his retirement. What a lovely example of Words for Friends!

My gift to you for your retirement is:
-That every day of your retirement feels like recess.
Remember sitting in the classroom in school learning the various subjects: reading, writing, math, etc. and not being able to talk or laugh out loud for fear of “detention.”
Ok… now remember that feeling you felt when you just finished eating lunch and the doors to the playground flew open and you rushed out the door to explore all the fun that the swing, monkey bars, open field, and laughter with friends had to offer…just good ol’’child’s play. –Oh!…and breathing the fresh air after being cooped up in the classroom for hours. I can see young David, now, enjoying the see-saw, perhaps, but being oh so careful not to sully his checkered button up, v-neck sweater, and khakis.
Ahhh…the feeling of freedom. The feeling of recess. That is my gift to you. May it be a perpetual and quintessential joy in your retirement.

Sleep with the Angels, Friends!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Sightings

Please enjoy a couple of moments of kindness that have been shared this week. I hope that you have a very blessed week and that you too will choose to serve as a witness!


Egarciam said...

Thanks for sharing such thoughtful & kind gestures. Here are a few of mine:

A women at the grocery store brought a smile to my face when she said my son was gorgeous!

My partner had my favorite dinner prepared on the kitchen table after a long day at work last night.

My son slept through the entire night = happy alert mommy this morning. Ok, maybe this is not a RAK, however it sure felt goooood!

On my way to work this morning, a vehicle gave me the right of way with wave & a smile.

A stranger held the door for me on the elevator & wished me a good day.

Have a beautiful day!!


June 12, 2011 12:41 AM

Anonymous said...

Today, I saw a guy at the metro walk up the broken escalator from the

platform to help a guy carry all his bags down. I'm truly blessed to have

witnessed such a selfless act. I usually notice these things but I never

say anything...I just quietly smile. Having some health challenges

currently, these tiny acts are magnified for me and my heart jumps with

joy when I see something so thoughtful. And so today, I didn't just

witness quietly, I told that guy that what he did was extremely kind.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Don’t forget to do Good…

Don’t forget to do Good…

“Don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16

I don’t know that I forget to do good, but I have a problem remembering to do good. Now, this may sound like it means the same thing but it doesn’t. I am talking about the times when I get so busy and caught up doing “stuff” that I fail to remember to do good. I’m also talking about the times that I am emotionally high jacked and choose not to be kind. What’s that all about? Sometimes just because we know better doesn’t mean we do better.

I am reading a book right now that discusses the value of working toward goals in small, even if they are VERY small, steps. So, today I took one VERY small step toward not forgetting to do good---today I put money in the meter for the car parked next to me. The meter was flashing EXPIRED so I threw in enough money to give the owner some additional time. I hope they came out in time! I know that’s not a big step, but had I been the recipient, I would have appreciated it!

Sleep with the Angels, Friends!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm not trying to gossip but...

This weekend I had the opportunity to share something with two friends that has been bothering me. I shared how puzzled and perplexed I have been by the fact that I have received ZERO submissions for stories regarding acts of kindness or generosity. The thing that bothers me the most is that we seem so eager to share the negative and gossipy things in world but less inclined to share a story of kindness and goodness.

One of those sweet friends shared that perhaps we have become desensitized to the smallest acts of kindness and that perhaps we take them for granted. With her comment in mind, I decided to make a mental note of a few kind things that happened to me today.

Pardon the bulleted list approach but here goes:
• My daughter said, “Have a blessed day, Love” as I dropped her off at school.
• The cashier at Starbucks said, “Good morning!” and he meant it.
• A woman at Starbucks remarked about the beautiful day and as I agreed she mentioned that I too was beautiful.
• A gentleman standing outside of Starbucks opened the door for me.
• My husband opened the passenger side of the car for me so I could get in.
• My daughter made me chocolate chip cookies.
• My son offered to take the bus to pick me because he knew I needed a ride and he’s only eleven.
• A friend agreed to take me on an errand even if it meant she would be waking up at the crack of dawn tomorrow.
• A friend at work asked about my weekend hike and she genuinely listened.
• A stranger remembered a talk I gave and invited me to speak at their High School graduation.

These are just the first ten things I could think of right quick. I know many more kind things happened along with some other yucky, not-so-fun things but I refuse to focus on those things. I don’t want to go to bed with yuck dominating my thoughts and energy. Can you share just a few small, kind things that happened to you recently? I hope so.

Sleep with the angels,Friends.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In January I challenged myself to periodically write new posts that are centered on generosity, kindness or compassion. I was hoping to keep my eyes open to seeing how these three themes honestly inform and better my life. For now, I am thinking that I need to be even more generous with my words. My Words for Friends! Today if you would like me to have words for you or if you have witnessed an act of kindness or compassion, please share your story on my blog. Send your story to and I'll be just tickled to post it

Let me know in advance if you need me to change your name!
In the words of my sweet Tim McGraw, LIVE like you're dying

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Because words count...

On March 1st, an anonymous comment was posted to my blog and that particular comment has become priceless to me. The comment was actually from my father in law and he mentioned how proud he was of his son—my husband. He also mentioned that even though he wasn’t good with words, he loved his son.

My father in law has since passed away .

No, we are not too busy to make time for those we love, but we have to be more purposeful about it. Make your words count, friends! Say what you mean and mean what you say. Grant forgiveness but more importantly, seek forgiveness. Respond with kindness even if it isn’t deserved. Show love to others my knowing what they love and providing them with it—even if its brownies!

I loved my father in law and he was always very good to me. He will be missed.

Reach out to those who believe you have forgotten them, you won’t regret it! Have a very blessed day---and LIVE!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Emmaus Medical Mission Trip Update

Hello all,
We have sent in the initial fees and are well on the way to meeting the goal. None of this could have been possible without your generosity and kind, encouraging words. We are very blessed to have you in our lives. The process of reflecting on how we fit into each other’s lives has served to remind me of how very precious this journey has been. As I reviewed the list of coffee buyers, I was rapidly reminded of how we crossed each other’s paths. For some of you, many years have passed since we have seen each other. Yet the experiences we shared were meaningful enough to last a lifetime. For others, our journey together continues as we look forward to the next chapter.

I am thankful for today’s technology because it has kept us connected. This mission trip has also served to re-connect us. I plan to maintain postings as the date nears. Please continue to pray for the Emmaus Medical Mission team. I also invite you to post comments and/or send emails related to the trip or the 2011 Challenge!

Remember sweet friends that Mike is not going alone. A part of you will also be on that trip---and I should mention, it will be the most beautiful part of you, your heart! Mil gracias!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mi querida y hermosa Amiga:

Comienzo esta carta recordándonos como "Susy y Cocosette", y aunque tú tienes más memoria que yo, recuerdo que sólo estábamos en 3er año de bachillerato cuando nos conocimos y con tanta facilidad me robaste el corazón siendo tan original, sensible y sincera...

Te recuerdo en clases inventando travesuras ingenuas, riéndonos y siempre buscando cómo ser felices...

Con una familia maravillosa, una madre única y (aunque siempre le tuve miedo a tu papá) supieron abrirme las puertas de la verdadera amistad.
Llegó la hora de la seriedad e ir a la Universidad, y a pesar de que cada una estudió en sitios distintos nuestra relación iba siendo más y más sólida, con gustos distintos, con caminos diferentes pero siempre podía contar contigo. Compartiendo siempre los secretos, las sonrisas, los paseos y los sueños...

Te me fuiste a los Estados Unidos, te extrañé a morir pero seguías siendo mi amiga y mi cómplice.. Nos llenamos de experiencias (buenas, malas, regulares, soñadas)...

Con tu nobleza y tus consejos, eres mi amiga elocuente, espiritual, sabia, familiar.. "Mi Hermana"...

Cuando Dios te regaló un pedacito de cielo llenándote de Bendiciones con Patrick Junior fue una ilusión enorme y aunque el camino fue duro llegaste a la meta como una mujer valiente.... Te fuiste a luchar por tus sueños y esperanzas, por el amor, por la tranquilidad... Deseosa de una hija hembra, pero como dice el dicho "A quien Dios no le da hijas les da sobrinas" jejeje... Mi hija es tu hija, la consientes, la mimas, la complaces.... Y para completar el cuadro llegan nuestros hermosos "Harrison y Iam" tan parecidos con todo y la diferencia de edad... Y aunque no los conozco en persona, cada vez que nos vemos por Skype es como si nos conociéramos y yo soy definitivamente la Tía adorada jejej...

Ese viaje maravilloso a España después de 10 años sin vernos fue una de las cosas más increíbles y soñadas de mi vida, tanto te extrañé que por fin te tenía cerca, aunque estaba un poco cansada con el bebé tan pequeño fue genial... Y por casualidad fue la final España vencedora en fútbol, jajaja ... Estuvo súper divertido, verte haciendo cosas locas como antes, retrocedimos unos cuantos añitos jajajaja.... Cómo compartiste con mi hija, conmigo, con mi familia... Estuvimos de cuento.... Nuestra escapada a Sevilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Olé….. Totalmente un sueño…..

De ahí en adelante no nos hemos separado, por lo menos no dejamos de hablar y contarnos todo… Vernos a los ojos y saber qué nos pasa y de qué humor estamos, con sus altas y bajas, me has alentado a hacer cosas, crees en mí… Mientras muchas personas no tienen idea de quienes somos, tú y yo sabemos que somos definitivamente un Diamante….

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Would you be willing to buy Mike a cup of coffee?

Would you be willing to buy Mike a cup of coffee?

My husband Mike is going to be volunteering on the Emmaus Medical Mission this fall. The mission will take a group of doctors, nurses and other volunteers to Mindo, Ecuador . Please follow this link and learn a little bit more about a previous trip made by the Emmaus Medical Mission Team:

I am so very proud of my husband and my hope is that he will return with a very clear understanding and appreciation of the gift with which he has been blessed. He has the gift of helping others through the combination of the compassion modeled for him by his beneficent Grandmother and his years of experience as a registered nurse. When I watch him lifting his elderly patients with quiet tenderness and firm resolve to do all he can to relieve their pain, my heart wants to burst with love and admiration for the wonderful man I am blessed to call my husband.

I have said this to ask, would you consider contributing to Mike’s mission trip? For the $3-$5 dollars that you would normally spend on your daily cup of coffee, you too can impact the lives of the many people they will serve in Ecuador. Of course, if you would like to donate more, we certainly welcome the contribution!

Today, our friend Rachel Crawford bought Mike his “first cup of coffee”!!! Her contribution was accompanied by a very precious note filled with words of encouragement as he prepares for this journey. Thank you, Rachel for believing whole heartedly that great things are going to happen!

If you would like to “Buy Mike a Cup of Coffee” in support of his participation for this mission trip, please contact me at

Regardless of whether or not you “Buy Mike a Cup of Coffee”, we humbly ask for your prayers of protection over the entire team as they prepare to travel to Ecuador and touch the lives of others in the very sweet name of our Lord and Savior. May His good name and message be shared not only through words but through actions.

Our God is GOOD -- ALL THE TIME!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 2 of RAK Week-

The second Challenge of RAK Week: Smile at 10 strangers today! A sincere smile can make a difference in someone’s day. Without saying a word you are letting that person know that you see them and that they matter. People appreciate being noticed and acknowledged! As Plato said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” Encourage ten strangers today by smiling:)

Third Kindness Challenge

The third Kindness Challenge of RAK Week: Hold the door open for someone every chance you get today! Holding the door open for someone isn’t just something people do in old movies, it is a great way to be polite and thoughtful. You can easily do this for your family, friends and strangers. Hold the door open every chance you get today—whether you’re at school, the grocery story, work, or at home, those around you will certainly appreciate your good manners. This is such an easy way to share Kindness.

Words for Friends: To Amber from Jenny

There are no words to describe someone like Amber. She is a one of a kind, so I will do my best to introduce you to my lovely friend. I met Amber long ago when we were in charge of a very important part of our lives, "BUSINESS "! We grew up in different places, with different cultures and backgrounds. Although this is true, we managed very quickly to respect each other, enjoy each other’s company and encourage each other’s natural talents. We were very good at what we did and we always had a good time doing it. (We have collected many stories over time that continues to bring us laughter and joy. It was true team work and the beginning of a lifetime friendship. I can happily say until this day that we never fail to amuse ourselves--always bringing a smile or two to each other’s faces.

We have had the blessing of plenty of memories together, from our trips, parties, functions, conferences; meetings and family. Family is where our hearts are right now. This is no doubt the most important thing for us. Our hearts are set on creating a beautiful world for our kids, raising them together as if they were family. We have grown closer day after day. Each day we celebrate the blessing of being in each other’s life.

There is so much to say about this girl, let me just add that there is always grace, class, thoughtfulness and details in everything that she does. I love that about her. For her there are never problems, only solutions and with her soft ways, good manners, common sense and determination. She always gets the job done.

In the most difficult times, when I have been brought to my knees, she has lifted me up with love, kindness, care, confidence, trust, conviction and loyalty-- going against the natural forces in life. She has held my hand, listened to my heart and walked my path by my side.... waiting patiently for that single moment when I may need her again. Her love and confidence in me have kept me going. Because of her, I believe there is nothing that I can't do.

I simply adore her classic style and grace and appreciate all that she is to all of us that are part of her world. I look forward to our Lady's Time, movie night; play dates, coffee breaks or whatever excuses that may allow us to spend time together. May your heart be filled with love and joy today. I am proud to see the beautiful woman that you have become.

On Valentine's Week I just have to say that true friends and true love celebrate together all year long.

I love you my Amber friend.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1 of RAK Week-Note of Appreciation

The first Kindness Challenge of RAK Week: Send a note of appreciation to someone you love today! You can send it to your spouse, significant other, sibling, parent, child, best friend, coach, teacher—anyone who you feel needs a bit of a pick me up. You can even make a list for your loved one highlighting all of the different reasons you appreciate him or her. Once you’ve brainstormed your thoughts, write them neatly in card you’ve chosen, or just send an email. No matter how you decide to share a note of appreciation, be sure to do it today!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Random Act of Kindness (RAK) Week

Random Acts of Kindness Week is Feb 14th to the 20th and for 7 days you are invited to take Extreme Kindness Challenges. A new Act of Kindness will be introduced each day. The mission is to inspire you to act and share. Your act of Kindness is the Ticket to a Kinder World!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Words for Friends: To My Friend Pat

Pat and I met when we were in junior high school. Pat always had the coolest haircuts and best handwriting. Pat and I are now in our forties, and we remain friends to this day. Our lives have taken us in very different directions and we have lived through our separate shares of heartbreaks and joys. Pat married young and had a very difficult marriage, later divorced and lost one of her brothers at an early age. I admire Pat because of her resiliency and ability to remain the same beautiful person I have always known her to be.

As young teens, we were inseparable. We went everywhere together, we laughed together, we cried together. The thing I remember the most about Pat is her absolute loyalty to me. She never judged me for the impoverished lifestyle I lived. She helped me with all my chores including caring for my siblings. I was often left to care for my younger siblings for long periods of time and she helped me prepare meals, do laundry and clean house without ever complaining or appearing bored.

I even remember going over to stay with her at her grandmother’s house where she lived and it being extremely warm because the gas heaters were always on. I remember Pat’s little room with her tiny little clothes rack hanging over the corner of her bed. We had so many fun, giggly times at her grandmother’s house. I loved being there with Pat and her grandmother because it always felt safe.

One particular day, we were at my house when another friend came over to work on a science project with us. Our friend was rarely allowed to be out of her house as her mother was extremely protective and had somewhat of a history for being a little overly dramatic. As we worked away, our friend’s mother can over and started yelling at me, calling me and my family derogatory names, and since there was no adult at home she felt comfortable to come at me and attempt to slap me -- then out of nowhere Pat came running out of the house and shoved her plum off the porch

The three of us just stood in shock, but the mean mother left. I remember thinking that I had never had someone stand up for me that way. And that incident was just one of many times that she proved to be a true friend. When other girls at school were being mean- girls she always took my side—even when I was wrong!

Thank you Pati for teaching me what true friendship means. Thank you for believing in me and standing by my side knowing that I all I had to offer you was my very humble but sincere friendship! I am so blessed to have a friend in you. May God bless you and yours always!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Words for Friends:From Jenny to Louise. Think PINK!!!

Words for Friends:From Jenny to Louise. Think PINK!!!

I call Louise, AMOR because she is pure joy and LOVE! She is one of a kind and she is my friend. True friends are like two souls in one, it's a bond built out of grace.Our friendship is like a work of art transforming everyday into something more and even more beautiful. She has been my loyal companion weather I have been happy or sad thought the years. We have been there for each other when our souls have needed a lift or we have been pushed beyond our limits, I do not recall a moment when she has not been there ride by my side or only one phone call away. We have had the great blessing to travel together to many spectacular places where we have had the fortune to share memories of a life time. As friends, we create happy moments, that is what we do.

Almost 10 years since we met .There is so much that I have learn from her, such as forgiveness, thankfulness, great attitude, gratitude, acceptance.,. So many years of deep and meaningful talks from the heart have sunk ed in me. I live my life by many of these lessons. With her by my side I have learned to be a better human being and a better Christian. She just has it in her, she makes the world around her a better and happier place.

For instance, I believe that there is really an unlock door just waiting for me to open it, just because of her, clear and simple! She had the power to change my life just by being her and she did it. She has done so much for me over the years trying to protect me from harm and danger and she keeps on blessing me day after day. Always been there for me with a smile upon her face, ready with words of encouragement and wisdom, finding ways to make people's lives more beautiful and pleasant, making sure that all our needs are met, pleasing everyone of us with her loving ways, making me laugh until I can not stop. Yes, this is my Louise, who thinks PINK!. She has so many qualities from A to Z. She is kind, generous, friendly, caring, sensitive,warm, thoughtful, helpful, compassionate,confiding, honest, cheerful, bright and true.Yes, she is not one bit of spite. Aldo, this is who she is, she is genuily a true miracle of a friend, she constantly avoids this kind of attention but today, it is her time to shine.

Once more, I am grateful to be her Sister in Christ. Even so, we spend as much time as we can together. Sadly, it's never enough, however memories of our time together lead our way.

She is my praying partner and she always will be. Everyday I look forward to those couple of minute thought the day to share with her, knowing that if we do not get to pray she will listen to my heart. With each passing day in my own special way thoughts of her put a smile on my face and I laugh as I recall her asking; "un Mojito mas por favor", so she has learned to say.

Today, I stand strong with the certainty that there is no problem, circumstance, distance or situation that will keep us away, while life has taking us each to different places. I have news for her, our friendship won't grow old, I am looking forward to grow old with her as my friend.

RAK Alert! It was Edward!

Random Act of Kindness (RAK) Alert! It was Edward!

Part of my challenge for 2011 was for me to be more aware of Random Acts of Kindness (RAK). In that spirit, I am sharing this particular story--My brother in law, Edward, recently shared that he had purchased $100 dollars worth of groceries for a family that lost their home and all their belongings in a house fire. I was very touched by that story for several reasons including the fact that he is a single parent that has had more than his share of hard times and troubles. Life has not been easy and sometimes his own choices have made things worse. But the thing that really came to mind was the knowledge that the teachings of our Grandma Grandma are really alive and well and growing through those she left behind. Grandma Grandma was one of the most charitable and kind people that I have ever met. Never could a person want or need something that she wouldn’t do everything in her power to help alleviate the pain. She was such a lovely example of sheer goodness and knowing that Edward continues to demonstrate the lessons she modeled makes me very proud. I love you Edward and I know that the family you helped appreciates you. May God bless you always, sweet boy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Words for Friends: Jenny to Tammy

Words for Friends: From Jenny to Tammy

To my Tammy Friend; it’s a girl!!!

There was a point in my life when changes left me disappointed, empty, scared and without a firm belief in the goodness of people. I now realize that God was testing my faith and strength...for it was during that difficult period that Tammy walked into my life. She welcomed me with open arms and a healing heart. She was willing to give more than I could ever imagine! I have now learned that sometimes life can surprise you with the gift of a friendship like this one. At the beginning of our friendship, little did I know that her Mom, due to health issues, was slowly fading away. Tammy’s dedication, devotion, love and determination to care for her Mom before she passed away is what drew me to her. I remember thinking what a great daughter she was. She did it all, and I do mean all! It was through what I witnessed that I can assure you that she is a great daughter, sister, wife, friend and Mom to her only son, Nicholas. She has been a blessing beyond words.

Tammy never seems to be disturbed by being interrupted during her own tasks. She is loyal, cheerful, tender, loving, sweet, generous and kind; however, she is firm, direct, strong- willed and she always calls it like it is. I admire her honest ways. Much to my regret, there have been moments when I have not been available for her and for that I am sorry because she has always been there for me. I feel like I have let her down because I have but she is so special and forgiving, she always gets back to me saying, “You’re funny ". She is the kind of girl that you always want to hang out with so, we all wait patiently for her to say; “I am ready to party!” I will always wait for her call because to is too much fun to pass up.

We all dream of having a friend like Tammy. She always knows the right thing to say. Her ability to listen never ceases to amaze me; therefore, I end all of our conversations by saying, “I LOVE YOU MY FRIEND!” because I do.

I am aware of the meaningful difference that she has made in my life with all the little things that she does combined with her patience and understanding. I treasure all of our memories together and I value our friendship. She has become part of my family and I have to admit that whenever we have had an emergency this past year, the words of wisdom coming from my kids has been, “Call Tammy!"

She deserves only the best and I feel honored to be her friend. I love you, my Tammy friend!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Words for Friends: From Evelyn to Denise

Friends, I humbly invite you to share any Words for Friends that you might have. Of course, the submission should be based on 2011's theme of Generosity, Compassion, and Kindness. You may post as a comment to an existing post or send directly to me at if you would prefer to have a separate posting.

Words for Friends: From Evelyn to Denise

This note is dedicated to my dear friend Denise for her com-

passion and generosity

Although I met Denise in college as a sister (she’s part of my family tree) of Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, it wasn’t until she moved to DC to work at the Walter Reed Medical Center that I truly got to know her.

When I discovered I was expecting a few weeks after she arrived in the area, she was absolutely “coo-coo-for coco puffs” for me. As a nurse and soon to be certified in labor and delivery, she had a plethora of human body knowledge. It was wonderful for me because throughout the pregnancy she shared fun facts about the baby and my body, “the blood supply…baby’s digestive system….the baby’s home is like…contractions are going to feel like this…” I trusted her throughout the entire time and she always had the right thing to say. One time, Denise traveled over 30 miles each way to accompany me for a special ultrasound to determine the cause of my preterm contractions. She held my hand and coached me to breath throughout the entire exam and I was so grateful to have her next to me.

I’ll never forget the day where she single handedly led a group of 10 strangers (Victor’s YMCA buddies) to bring my Craig’s list couch up 5 flights of stairs to my apartment. I think of her each time I sit on my comfy couch and feed my son.

At the end of this month she’s going to make a big move across the country to Hawaii. Words are not enough to express the excitement and orguillo (pride) I have for her courage to take a step closer to her dream. This past year has been enriched by her presence, genuine love and passion for nursing. I hope that next time I see her she’ll tell me that she’s delivered her first baby.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Words for Friends: Jenny B.

Today I have Words for my Friend,Jenny in Boots! Jenny in Boots is Venezuelan and she has such an amicable and cheerful disposition. She greets everyone with open arms, a kiss on the cheek, and kind words. She makes me laugh because she calls every one ,”Honey” and although I usually dislike being called that , coming from her it just seems so genuine. Jenny is comfortable in her skin and doesn’t buy into what others think about her. She almost always wears her favorite brown UGG boots and has her beautiful, long, black mane in a ponytail.

Once, before I knew Jenny, I was witness to something that let me know that I wanted to be her friend. You see, at that time, which was about a year ago; Jenny had just been through a very painful divorce. She and I both have sons and they happened to be playing on the same basketball team. While at one of their games, her ex husband walked in with his new "friend". Being the first time she had to see them together, it was evident that it was excruciatingly painful for her yet she was so incredibly poised and kind to them! She answered his questions and maintained her lovely smile. When the ex and the friend walked away, I noticed Jenny exhale a deep breath and she once again turned her attention to her son. I could tell that breathing was hard for her but she never skipped a beat! I remember being so very proud of her that I couldn’t help but to go up to her and give her a great big hug!

Jenny has two incredible sons that absolutely adore her. They are her very existence and she has an unequivocal love for them. She does everything she can to make sure they have a wonderful, exciting, and secure childhood. Sometimes, when their pain overwhelms her, I see that she fights her tears by breaking out a huge, captivating smile for them. She is a fighter and her spunk level grows every day. She is also a thinker and when we talk I can tell that she has spent much of her time reflecting on where she is and where she knows she is going to be. She trusts God with all her heart and she knows that He has not abandoned her -- these hard times will soon come to pass. My life has been enriched by Jenny in Boots and I hope to agree with her in prayer for many years to come!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Words for Friends: Rachel C.

In order to meet my own challenge for 2011, I am going to periodically write new posts that are centered on generosity, kindness or compassion. I am hoping that I keep my eyes open to seeing how these three themes honestly inform and better my life. For now, I am thinking that I need to be more generous with my words. My Words for Friends! Today, I have Words for Rachel, but if you would like me to have words for you, just let me know. Let me know in advance if you need me to change your name! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Words for Rachel C.: Everyone should have a Rachel in their life! Rachel is in her fifties, but she is so much fun. She has done so many intriguing things from being a missionary, to owning a 7/11, to locking herself in the bathroom just so she could read in peace. Rachel is always up for a new challenge. She cycles, she hikes, she travels, and she has a quiet yet fascinating husband who always buys her the most unique and beautiful gifts –such a grenade charm for her charm bracelet! Rachel has knack for choosing the best greeting cards! She always finds the cards that seem to speak in her voice. More importantly, Rachel has had enough life lessons to simply wave away thoughts of insecurity. While I was working on my dissertation, Rachel was excited for me EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY until I finished. She never let on that she was tired or bored with the topic. She taught me ways to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN! That’s how Rachel is; she never makes me feel like a loser. She exudes a sense of security with her being. She knows how to celebrate even the smallest accomplishments in life and she is forgiving enough to still be my friend even after the fiasco with Dorian who was supposed to just wax her upper lip!

(This picture is of Rachel and me just enjoying a silly moment at Nepenthe while the husbands go find us some wine!)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Generosity, compassion, and kindness...

I challenge you to meet 2011 head on armed with generosity, compassion and kindness. Be more faithful and trusting of our Lord than you have ever been. Know that no kindness is ever wasted. Dare to be an angel of kindness to the most unsuspecting fellow being—even if they never find out it was you! May your mouth speak many words of encouragement and praise! Hoping to hear of your adventures.