Sunday, January 19, 2014

In Search of Kindness

In Search of Kindness

Thanks to my friend , Rene Bradford Garcia, I have been motivated to declare a word for 2014. The word I have chosen is KINDNESS.  Right now, the kindness I have in mind includes being kind to others, the environment, and especially to myself. If you know me, you know that I am extremely hard on myself. So one thing I want to include in my quest for kindness in 2014 is reaching out. Reaching out to others for help, encouragement, reflection, rejuvenation and inspiration. 

The photo above reminds me of a beautiful  evening with lovely, gracious people that demonstrated kindness and sincerity. The photo also reminds me that God has placed some amazing people in my life  and that I don't spend enough time truly appreciating them.  I am looking forward to many more moments of sincere gratitude as I find it very therapeutic and kind to my soul. If you come across any quotes, photos or stories regarding KINDNESS , please share. As always, I invite you to submit pieces for this blog. May God bless you and may you be reaffirmed of your purpose--for you do have one and it IS important!

1 comment:

  1. Random acts of Kindness
    Growing up small town west Texas, I never really understood the meaning in random acts kindness, you just be kind all the time, right? It was not until I got older, in the career driven world, and traveling did I really start to see the kind and unkind. I can tell you there is kindness beyond small town west Texas, as well as the unkind. I have seen random acts of kindness from someone paying for the person behind them in line groceries, picking up a strangers meal tab, saying things like “have a nice day” . . . to just a simple random smile.

    Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see…

    The quote above has always been a favorite of mine. I can remember thinking about this quote one time when I was in the midst of one of the worst days of my life… a random stranger stopped & smiled at me. That person didn’t know me or what I was going through and I am pretty sure I looked a little scary at the moment but that smile just seem to say… hang in there, it’s going to be okay.
    During this time in my life my teenage son was very troubled. He had been hospitalized and kindness was something that had not been in his heart for a while. When I went to pick him up I noticed that a pair of his favorite pants that cost $89 was not in his bag. When I asked him where they were, he replied “I gave them away”; I was shocked and at the time not too happy. As a single working mother I had paid for these “had to have” pants, & he just gave them away! I asked for an explanation, his reply:
    “mom, my roommate is a foster kid, his foster parents don’t want to take care of him anymore because of his problems, and his parents are incarcerated. He wants to grow up to be a preacher, he says that is his dream. He tried on my pants because he never had any other pants except from Walmart. He was so excited to try them on . . . I just gave them to him. All I asked in return was to follow his dream.”

    Although my son had many struggles after this. . . I held onto these acts of kindness in my heart as a sign of hope.
     Gina~
