Sunday, June 12, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Sightings

Please enjoy a couple of moments of kindness that have been shared this week. I hope that you have a very blessed week and that you too will choose to serve as a witness!


Egarciam said...

Thanks for sharing such thoughtful & kind gestures. Here are a few of mine:

A women at the grocery store brought a smile to my face when she said my son was gorgeous!

My partner had my favorite dinner prepared on the kitchen table after a long day at work last night.

My son slept through the entire night = happy alert mommy this morning. Ok, maybe this is not a RAK, however it sure felt goooood!

On my way to work this morning, a vehicle gave me the right of way with wave & a smile.

A stranger held the door for me on the elevator & wished me a good day.

Have a beautiful day!!


June 12, 2011 12:41 AM

Anonymous said...

Today, I saw a guy at the metro walk up the broken escalator from the

platform to help a guy carry all his bags down. I'm truly blessed to have

witnessed such a selfless act. I usually notice these things but I never

say anything...I just quietly smile. Having some health challenges

currently, these tiny acts are magnified for me and my heart jumps with

joy when I see something so thoughtful. And so today, I didn't just

witness quietly, I told that guy that what he did was extremely kind.


  1. Today was a very long day at work.No time at all for lunch. We were starving my friend and I but we wanted to finish our project. However, from nowhere there was a young girl who is very close to our heart coming into the store to bring us cupcakes. She had no idea how hungry we were, now she knows. The end result of kindness is that it draws people to you. Thank you for thinking about us.
